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Who am I?

Hey there, whomever is reading this, my name is Ruben G. If this is your first time on my website welcome! If you are a returning person then welcome back! This site is basically my own little outlet for me to talk about anything that comes to mind. Whether it be food or books I will post here when I find it entertaining for you the people. Or just me if I want to as a good source to write down whatever happens in my daily life.

About Me:)

While I am still a full time student at the University of New Mexico, I do have numerous hours of experience in a variety of classes. Ranging from courses such as Professional Writing, Advertising, and Web Design.


My education at UNM and has given me a very adapt interpretation on how to successfully use my technical writing in a professional manner. Over the course of my four years at UNM I have dedicated most of my education towards technical and professional writing. Averaging over 45 hours in the English department learning about the writing process as whole. With classes including Advanced Professional Writing and Publishing. Moreover, I have spent over 30 hours in the Communication and Journalism Department of the University. Taking courses such as, Design and Visual Presentation and Web Design. Learning a very large variety of skills for writing in a professional environment.


While my job history is not extensive the jobs that I have attended do present a good picture of my work ethic. Since I have turned of age to apply legally for a job I have had only two jobs, and would have only been one if my previous place of employment had not been closed due to lack of sales. Nonetheless, both of my jobs had shown my dedication to my areas of employment. Working with the public in a positive manner and worrying about the customers in order to keep them coming back to my store. Furthermore, I have shown my commitment to striving to always completing my each assignment given to me to the best degree possible.

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